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Rental Contract

128 N. JEFFERSON STREET (419) 355-8329

Terms of the agreement apply to any and all equipment rented or leased from U*NEW Tent Rental during the term of the lease.

1. Al equipment is used at lessee’s risk. Conditions which prevent satisfactory use do not relieve lessee of his responsibility for rental charges.
2. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the parties that U*NEW Tent Rental shall not be liable in any manner and shall be held harmless for any injuries or damages caused to persons, property, materials, stock or other things or articles while in lessee’s possession.
3. U*NEW Tent Rental shall not be liable, and shall be held harmless, for injuries or damages caused by fire or from any cause: rain, hail, sleet, snow, storm, high winds, tornadoes, floods, or other disturbance of nature.
4. U*NEW Tent Rental shall not be liable and shall be held harmless in any manner for injuries or damages caused by persons or things falling over or coming into contact with ropes, stakes, or other supports.
5. We do not guarantee the tents to be absolutely waterproof.
6. No cooking under tents.
7. Lessee promises to pay for any lost, stolen or damaged items.
8. Lessee will have all rental items (except tents) folded, stacked, crated, etc. as they were delivered. Lessee agrees to pay $20.00/hour/man if U*NEW Tent Rental has to take down tables, fold chairs or look for missing items.
9. Lessee agrees to pay $20.00/hour/man cleaning charge iftables and/or chairs are dirty.
10. If lessee or appointed representative cannot be available to verify the quantity of items delivered/picked up lessee will accept the count ofthe
Rental Representative as acceptable and binding.
11. Cancellation policy – (after signed contract) two weeks prior to event 75 %return.
Less than two weeks, 50% return.
12. All stake driving is based on virgin ground and is customers responsibility for underground
cables, pipes, water and gas lines.

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